Friday, July 31, 2009

The anarchy that is West Bengal...

It’s been a really long time since something worthwhile has caught my imagination, which explains part of my forced absence from the blog scene. The other part however and obviously has been my self-imposed laziness; which I have nurtured and fed devoutly for so long, that it tends to devour a sizable portion of my life, simply through sleeping and long periods of inactivity. However, there have been things going around me and everyone else’s life, and quite tumultuous and disturbing, at those. Such happenings finally shook me out of my slumber and forced me to share some thoughts with everyone, thoughts which are simmering beneath the surface, at our disillusionment, at our apathy, at our ineptitude, at our acceptance of the shameful incidents as inevitability….
Where do I start? At the disgustful dance of the anti-democratic forces in West Bengal, all in the name of “aandolon” (revolution)? Or at the ongoing farce in the name of trial, for an event which shook the world, but didn’t do so much so as move us an inch out of our comfort zone, the 26/11? Or shall I spell out the shock, disgust and (daresay) shameful truth of the rape and murder of two innocent Kashmiri women in Shopian, allegedly by Indian security forces; an incident which only came to my notice after the highly dramatized event of an opposition leader in Kashmir Assembly daring to throw a microphone at the deputy speaker, all in the name of protest? The truth is that the list will never end, but will always find a new seed to germinate elsewhere.
We Indians love the drama, to hold the centre stage, without actually doing anything worthwhile; that iota of spotlight sprinkled on us on a random day, is enough for us to last a generation, to brag to our children and grandchildren. That is why we see our beloved Mamata “Didi” to sit in a ‘dharna’ and hold rallies in the midst of the busiest metropolitan city junction, causing citizens paramount inconvenience, throwing the traffic system of a dismally-administered city, completely out of gear; all apparently for those people’s cause whom she herself is causing irreparable damage. The government and ruling party of West Bengal is a disgrace, make no mistake about it; major parts of the state still hasn’t seen the light of development, corruption is just an addition to the babus’ nameplates, unemployment level is shooting through the roof, inflation is making it impossible for the general public to reach adequate morsels of food to their stomachs, the state capital and one of the nation’s major metropolitan is lurching in anarchy, ill-management and utter chaos; all this while the ministers and white-collared educated fools fill their pockets and gleefully watch the state go to the dogs; but the party trying to projecting itself as a glorious alternative in the nearby legislative elections in 2011 is in fact a rudderless ship and a political disgrace, simply because the woman at the helm is a highly confused, ill-tempered (they call her a firebrand for that!!) and power-hungry lady, whose only goal is the chief minister’s chair in an anarchic state. The logic is simple; enjoy as long as it lasts and fill your coffers. Although Didi herself is too principle-oriented (read foolish) to touch as much as a penny, but her accomplices won’t let this opportunity slip by. Amidst all the humanitarian hue & cry over the Nandigram-Singur issue, it was conveniently forgotten that a powerful and constant-in-the-long run source of income for the poor people of West Bengal had been frittered away; what did our beloved Didi do to provide an alternate source of income for the people? Aah yes!! A train connecting Singur to Kolkata in the rail budget; people of Singur should really expect a preference in the recruitment of maintenance personnel (sweepers & cleaners, in other words) for the aforementioned train!!! A job well done Didi, we are all looking forward to your coronation as the newly-elected chief minister of anarchic Bengal-simply because you will elect yourself, despite more able and sane-minded individuals existing in the party.

1 comment:

  1. Brilliantly written...coherently written...what is it doing here send it to some journal..To add a suggestion i think you could hav added a little more detail in the para on anarchy in bengal given that, it's the title..nevertheless....highly impressive and plz write on topics like these atleast i understand in that case..cheers ;)
